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Blog Archives

Ziado Disposable Calendar

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Share your availability in seconds. A proof of concept web app that allows people to login using their social media account, create a disposable calendar for a particular event and then invite friends to add their own availability. We developed the entire front and back-end, including the integration with the Facebook API and Twitter card sharing.

DYI Black Wheels

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We were tasked with creating a small lead generation website to capitalise on a new trend in the after-market car accessories niche. The site is built on WordPress, leverages Google AdSense (for advertising revenue) and has paid direct-links rubberised car paint providers.

Emily And Friends

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Striving for a colourful and creative outlet founder and designer Emily Howells combines beautiful colours and local materials to form gorgeous designs with both wood and clay. The Emily And Friends website was developed to add another sales avenue and a place to drive customers to through social media.

Beautiful Home

Beautiful Home is a boutique Architectural and Building Design firm specialising in designing family homes that are both functional and beautiful. This responsive website was built on the WordPress Content Management System and has been designed to scale to fit the size of the device it’s being displayed on. That’s why if you visit it on your smartphone, it will look different to what you see on your computer.

XL Asphalt

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A great new website for Chris from XLAsphalt Melbourne, a front-runner in the Australian asphalt driveway scene. The site is built on the WordPress blogging platform and is fully customisable using the built-in content management system. We’ve made sure the site fully integrates with all social media profiles, so when Chris writes a post, it’s automatically sent to Facebook and Google+, saving time and ensuring maximum exposure.

Australian Concrete Driveways

The Australian Concrete Driveways Pty Ltd is a clever site utilising a lot of PHP server-side programming to allow the site to adapt to each visitor. A Content Management System has been implemented to ensure the great guys and girls at ACD can edit the content of the site at any time.

Pinnacle Builders

Built on the WordPress blogging platform, this fully featured website has complete customisability and custom built WordPress plugins. Heavily optimised for future compatibility, security and upgradability.